About Me

Welcome to my blog!

I'm a guy--a guy's guy. A BIG guy's guy. I'm 6'6" and 271 pounds down from 286 Jan 1, 2013. I could have easily played pro football, but instead joined the Marines for eight years back in 1984-1991. I've always been big. In fact, I was 40 pounds when I was only a year old because I was fed baby formula instead of natures gold. I've heard I'm "just big boned" my entire childhood. But that's not necessarily true.

The fact is, I was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes in 2004. My recent Hemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) was 10.8, meaning out-of-control blood sugar (people without diabetes is between 4 and 5.6). So the Docs give me meds, and more meds, and adjust my meds, but nothing is changing. And I've been eating really healthy: lean meats, vegetables, an occasional dessert, etc. I'm in the Navy, so I exercise regularly. I've been shooting Lantus (insulin) twice a day, and Novalog (mealtime insulin) three times a day. The medications make me gain weight, which makes me need more medications, which makes me gain more weight--and Medical Boards in the Navy loom over my head, you can see the cycle: more diabetic.

After watching the Joe Cross documentary "Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead," and reading Dr. Joel Fuhrman's books "The End of Diabetes" and "Eat to Live", I decided to take the radical plunge and begin a 60 day vegetable juice fast, as Joe did in his documentary. Every day, for 60 days, vegetables in a Vitamix or in my Omega juicer. Some may call me crazy, but I figure I don't have anything to lose--except the extra pounds (or "energy" as Joe Cross call it) around my gut. How about reversing diabetes I thought to myself.

So why 54/7?

54: In honor of my dad when he died at age 54 with diabetes. After he died, we counted the bottles of different medications--about 30. I'm up to 10. I've got a beautiful family with four kids, and I want to be around for their weddings and my future grandchildren.

7: On the seventh day, God rested--our Sabbath. I am giving my body a rest on this reboot, a Sabbath of sorts from meat, dairy, soda, caffeine, and all processed food. Only fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts, and beans. A food rest to never return to the American way of eating again.

I begin my journey on February 1, 2013, and will break it on my birthday on March 31. After this 60 day juice fast, I'll be going to a plant-based ("Nutritarian") diet, as in Dr. Fuhrman's Eat to Live book. My goal is to get down to 225 pounds. No more medications, no more needles. Diabetes gone. Oh by the way I am telling my Doc's with their care what I am doing. Every 10 days I am giving blood to monitor my progress and leave my meds behind. I will be giving blood to my Doc's every 10 days posting my lab results and picture of my waist so we can show the world reversing diabetes is in fact an option.

Thanks for taking the journey with me!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Day 104

Well yes I know your wondering.  Yes Yes and Yes.  I am still doing this.  I have decided to go 180 days.  The Navy has placed me on a Medical Board.  Of course I will fight it.  My A1c is 10.4 and holding I have lost 25 lbs.  I am sorry I have not posted in a month.  I have watched several documentaries on NETFLIX to confirm my action of plant based high nutrient diet.  (please watch "Food Matters")  I will reverse this diabetes if it the last thing I do.  So I continue the journey.  Below is my letter to the Hospital.  I am eating like a vegan to be honest one meal a day and 3 juices only.  I will go until July 31 and will move to raw foods only in a short time.

"Dear Ms. Joyce,

I appreciated your support last year on my first letter and the documentation and recap of my care in Endocrinology as it was briefed to me via email from my doctor.  It is been over one year since I have last communicated through patient administration at Balboa Hospital.  This is my second letter and response to Dr. Douglass’ email, dated March 19, 2013.

I have not been on the clinic’s scale for my weight on a regular basis, but have been on the scale at my Command since the beginning of the year, weighing in with my Command Fitness Leader, who has been carefully tracking my progress.  I take issue with the weight gain and made note of it to the Corpsman, who said they accommodate wearing a full uniform.  As soon as he added an additional 15 pounds to my weight, I immediately told him it was inconsistent and erroneous.  I currently weigh 270 pounds.  I am in line with Navy BCA standards and have never failed one PFA or BCA.  It is all documented.  It is difficult however to stay in that standard because of the drugs I am currently taking so I have worked very hard to maintain and lose weight as required, I feel good about that.

I understand that Endocrinology is doing their job and requirements as  professional Navy doctors.  Why I continue to feel very frustrated and angry is that I still do not feel adequately cared for or supported as a diabetic. All I have heard these years in Endocrinology is that more medication is the way ahead from the turnover of several doctors.  My care does not make sense anymore over these last seven years.  The tendency outside of policy and procedures is to throw more drugs at the medical condition.  I understand doctors are doing this in an attempt to lower my A1c, I am grateful and I am not against taking medications.  I have been prescribed drugs in an attempt to make me “worldwide deployable” (and healthy I hope), yet I hear “How many more years until I retire?” at every office visit.  That comment is frustrating because it makes patients feel like what about my care and they are just going to be given the open door to retirement and processed out the Navy.  Any doctor can say you need to lose weight.  But this disease is not just about weight loss; weight loss is a benefit of a healthy life which can reverse diabetes.  Any doctor can say you need to go on a diet; but with this disease, it is not just about a diet—it is seeing how I see food and how my individual body responds.  For diabetics, optimal health is not achieved by eating less to lose weight.  Rather, diabetics have to make a big commitment not only to forming better eating habits but also eating the right foods to help the body heal from the inside.  These changes include making adjustments in their thinking as well as their diet.  I do desire to have a long life expectancy.  No one wants to suffer needlessly year after year and take more and more medications with side effects and weight gain and then put on a Medical Board as the solution.

All I have heard is negative and more negative and not what I am doing well.  But no real, specific care with set goals and measured progress—only treatment for the blood work.   I was receiving this with Dr Navarrete.  No one in my care has ever said diabetes can be reversed.  No one.  I am frustrated because I was encouraged to put my concerns in writing a year ago, and when I did, I was placed on a PEB the very next day.  That is when the fiduciary trust with my care in Endocrinology was broken.  The timing of the PEB communicated to me the doctors in Endocrinology are going to do only what the institution requires.  My PEB felt like a retaliatory response and true concern and reversal have not been a part of my care.

Having been faithful to all the prescriptions but still not showing significant improvement is a failure on medicine and critical care to accompany it. Endocrinology at Balboa has failed me because I never received this support (except for a suggestion of going to a diabetes support group, which didn’t help me at all). Diabetes has progressed in me over the years.  I see how the plan I have been on continues to damage my organs and heart.  I believe much of my suffering could have been avoided had I been given more accurate dietary information (other than eat fewer carbohydrates and reduce your sugar).  So I have adopted a healthy high nutritional plant based diet all on my own. I will reverse this disease not because of medicine or the care I have received thus far. 

If you look at my numbers since starting my juicing and high nutrient plant based diet 1 FEB to reverse diabetes, you will see change.  This may in fact warrant a re-evaluation on the course of action Endocrinology continues to take.  Unfortunately, in my opinion, treating diabetes with medications and not the proper diet education gives me and other diabetics a false sense of security.  One can mistakenly think their somewhat-controlled glucose levels indicate improvement.  But this is wrong.  Going to doctors and getting every pill averts the patient’s responsibility.

I am not asking Dr Douglass to shirk his responsibilities as he stated in his email, but the doctor-patient relationship and bedside manner I have experienced is disappointing and needs improvement.  Care means so much more than prescribing medications and prescribing further medications to treat the side effects to include a Medical Board.  Care means not treating patients as a number (me) but treating them with respect as an individual and to truly care for their well-being and their outcome and partnering with them for the way ahead to be found fit for service and heal.  I need this and doctors who will partner with me; I understand that I see care differently.  I was making progress with my civilian doctor Dr Navarrete and was hoping to continue.  This course of action was terminated not at my request.

Listening to what patients need to say extends to other aspects of communication and doctor care as well.  It troubles me to see military medicine, plans, models and operational memoranda that refer to communication as some sort of weapon that can be fired downrange.  Navy medicine should not be in a business rather it is people and care for those people in the military that is the hallmark of our Navy.  Rather, it is an obligation to explain ourselves, to put into context what you are doing and why and then partner with the patient; not just quoting notes, telling the patient what you did with surprise and quoting policy and procedures.  I see it as Endocrinology has made decisions without keeping me informed and partnering with me.  I see it as the department is not taking any ownership to the breakdown of the fiduciary trust and care in the doctor oath of office and with me.

We live in a participatory culture, a post-audience world.  People don't want just access to information or be told information anymore. They want access to conversation. They want to be heard.  I do not feel heard or cared for.  To take part in that conversation doctor and guide it, at times, requires a humility that we don't always possess. It requires us to listen as well as speak, to solicit as well as inform, to admit our shortcomings and accept sometimes brutally frank feedback such as what your are receiving right now.  I know my credibility, and that of the Navy, is enhanced when I join in a discussion rather than merely lead it. It gives us a better sense of the mood and attitude in which our words and actions land. It helps us communicate more comfortably across the spectrum of caring for people and that is what we both do in our respective professions in the Navy.

I feel very capable as a Navy Chaplain and world wide deployable.  I have served at sea and with special operations commands as a diabetic over the last seven years.  I would just take the meds I needed which had no impact on my ability to serve as an active duty Navy Chaplain deployed operationally.  I still desire to serve on active duty and believe I am called to be a Navy Chaplain.  I do in fact feel discriminated against because of my care to date in Endocrinology and take issue with the way I have been treated.  It is stereotypical to think that a person with diabetes is going to have more medical issues while deployed or unsupported.  I have deployed as a diabetic at sea and with our Navy SEALs.  I do believe by October, I will be worldwide deployable and able to go to sea.  I would like to believe that a military member is judged on the unique skills they bring and not their diagnosis.  Diabetes does not have to interfere with the ability to do a job, and most of the time is doesn’t.  I would have enjoyed some more optimism and encouragement and I have never received that from Endocrinology.  I do appreciate Dr. Douglass’ kind words in his email about assisting me as I improve and what I bring as a professional as my A1c improves.  I just feel like what I am getting is more socialized institutionalized medicine.  I will show that more medication is not the solution, but a healthy life and reversal should be the focus. 

With my progress, I do not believe a Medical Board was the necessary next step in my care plan and has been forced upon me.  This Medical Board can effect my ability to be promoted.  I am going to continue this high-nutrient and plant-based diet for 180 days.  I will continue to give blood so my medications can be adjusted as needed.  My goal is to be off all my medications by October 2013.  I still need the  partnership with doctors.  Thank you in advance Dr Douglass in your assistance in stating that my condition does not interfere with my ability to perform the duties required of me as a Navy Chaplain.  I disagree that it excludes me from worldwide deployment and sea duty.  I believe I can complete the mission as a Chaplain, that I am physically fit, mentally tough, morally courageous, and spiritually connected to God to serve my country as I have these last eighteen years." 

Monday, March 18, 2013

Day 46

So hey to all you who follow me!!  Hi.  I am in Colorado on travel all week feeling like what do I do@!?@!?@  I am losing control.  So next to my hotel is a "Whole Foods" so thank the good Lord.  I was able to still get my healthy juice for this week.  A bit expensive but I am still juicing.  If I really need to eat I did get some nuts to avoid the temptation to eat bad food.  The second thirty days I have had some salad but 98% of what I am doing is juicing.  I hope to get that A1c down.  I feel better and not so panicked since I am able to still juice while I am on the road.  Keep praying for me!!!  Wes

Friday, March 15, 2013

Day 43

Well I am still here.  Day 43.  By the way I passed my physical fitness test.  Never failed.  Never will.  This last week I was in training and had some salads but other than that just juice.  The thought crossed my mind to go to 90 days instead of 60.  I am not sure.  I will be on travel next week so pray for me.  I will be looking for a juice bar so I can maintain the integrity of the new way I am living.  I want to show the world you can reverse diabetes.  Now If I can just get and good Endo Dr on my team it will be good.  Still looking.  My Primary Care Dr is very helpful.  I still do not feel cared for from Balboa.   I am still looking good.  Still feeling good.  Oh I did have one hamburger this week and it was good but I crave my vegetables and juice more believe it or not as my taste has changed.  I can see now that I can complete this 60 day reboot and thinking now of how this will forever be a part of my life.  See you all soon.  Wes

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

News Flash

The pharmaceutical industry DOES NOT create cures, it creates customers.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Day 37

Well.....here I am.  FRUSTRATED and I'm going to vent.....It's Official....Navy Medical Board is on the way.  I went to Endocrinology met my new Dr  and just more of the same Socialized Medicine.  HOW DISAPPOINTING!!  I felt like I went to the clinic on the movie "The Hiding Place" staring Corrie Ten Boom.  Stoic Cold and as always uncaring.  You know WORDS MATTER TO REAL PEOPLE.  Still after eight years just more and more of the same more meds is the answer.  In the Dr visit a student with SDSU was present because I feel they were on edge with me because a year ago I wrote a letter to Patient Administration on how I felt my care was and it was a professional letter mind you.  The very next day guess what the senior Dr did in Endocrinology at Balboa Hospital?  Yep a PEB that is a Physical Evaluation Board oh how fun it is to ride on a one horse open sleigh!!!  Retaliation from the head Dr.  He was mad because I told them what care looks like and the substandard care I was receiving.  Here is what I said..."My experience with NMCSD has been excellent with surgeries and childbirths, but I am unimpressed with the medical care in the specific and specialized area of diabetes care in Endocrinology. Care means so much more than prescribing medications and prescribing further medications to treat the side effects.  Care means not treating patients as a number, but treating them with respect as an individual and to truly care for their well-being and their outcome."
But But But they would say well "Chaplain we are just following policy and procedures we have no control.  Forget bedside manner in Navy Medicine.  Forget to tell the patient that he is making significant progress with the LAB results below.  So in the meeting with new Dr she asked me the aged ole question all the Dr's ask after pricking my feet....So, chaplain how long have you served on active duty?  How much longer do you have to serve?  I said kindly and with all due respect.  Dr what does that have to do with my care?  Whether I am enlisted or officer.  Whether I have served 5 or 30 yrs is irrelevant to my care.  So after the dark cloud formed and headstone in the office with my "new doc" I asked her "Doc what about my A1C???  Well after a very long pause she said hummm.  "Doc what about my Triglycerides?"  Doc what about my Cholesterol?"  She responded.......There looks like a change.  Yep Doc it looks that way I said.  Those changes could be great talking points to encourage the patient.  Like keep it up.  Like Good job chaplain. Like we are proud of you.  Like I could add a note in the Medical Board that you are showing significant change!!!  Imagine that.  CARE in ENDOCRINOLOGY that really mattered and put the patient first.  Hummm.  Yep I am venting to you all.  So as it goes the FOCUS IN THE NAVY MEDICINE IS MORE MEDICINE as the good doctor told me.  I DISAGREE!!!  My focus is on HEALTHY LIVING AND DIET!!!!  PLEASE HEAR ME NAVY MEDICINE.  My focus is on healthy food not diet, NOT MORE MEDS.  The farther we get from FEB 1, 2013 the better I show the NAVY and the WORLD YOU CAN REVERSE DIABETES!!!!  So my goal is let the Medical Board go and by the time they are done picking at me they will see SIGNIFICANT change NOT because of the Navy Doctors but because of JUICING.  Ok I am done.


Today I passed my BCA in the Navy at 22% with a CFL who just does not know what she is doing and as always adds an inch on the last two cycles.  But I passed.  Truth be told I am at 21% and weighed in at 271!!!!!!  AWESOME WES!!!!!!

A1C is 10.5 / 264 ave, down from 11.6 and 11.6 in Feb and Jan, respectively.

Lipids+Glucose Site/Specimen 28 Feb 2013 0710
Cholesterol PLASMA 141 <i>
HDL Cholesterol PLASMA 30
Triglyceride PLASMA 379 (H)
LDL Cholesterol PLASMA 35 (L) <i>
VLDL Cholesterol PLASMA 76 (H)
Glucose PLASMA 165 (H) <i>

Hemoglobin A1c Panel Site/Specimen 28 Feb 2013 0710
Hemoglobin A1c BLOOD 10.5 (H) ****DOWN IN 16 DAYS FROM 11.6!!!!!!!!****
Estimated Average Glucose BLOOD 264 <i>

Hemoglobin A1c Panel Site/Specimen 11 Feb 2013 1404
Hemoglobin A1c BLOOD 11.6 (H)
Estimated Average Glucose BLOOD 300 <i>

Hemoglobin A1c Panel Site/Specimen 31 Jan 2013 0900
Hemoglobin A1c BLOOD 11.5 (H)
Estimated Average Glucose BLOOD 297 <i>

Hemoglobin A1c Panel Site/Specimen 21 Nov 2012 0711
Hemoglobin A1c BLOOD 10.8 (H)
Estimated Average Glucose BLOOD 274 <i>

Yes it is difficult, Yes I have had some raw salad to celebrate my success today and yesterday I had a Cobb Salad with my dear friend.  But now I and thinking going 90 days versus 60 days to kick this disease out.  By the way NAVY I am going nowhere soon.  Hope you all can see the difference in the PICS below.  I am looking good.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Day 33

I know it's been a while since I gave an update. Sorry. I am short on time to give the full update, but here are the recent pictures after 1 month of juicing. I'll post some encouraging news in the next couple days.

Reboot progress: 33 days 
Reboot Progress 33 days
Reboot start 2/1/13
Reboot start 2/1/13

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Day 24

I noticed my abs for the first time in 30 years today looking into the mirror and so did my wife!  I had a good juice day but a bad number day.  I forgot my meds just in the AM and my numbers went to over 400!  Guess I am still diabetic.  Well I still know that I am on the right road.  No cheating on the diet and going to bed now for it is 10:35 PM and I am working out now 5X a week!!  My body is tapping into the stored energy and I am looking great.  I will take another PIC soon.  Blood test is next week.  I weigh in tomorrow we will chat then.  Blessings

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day 23

Yes Yes and Yes, not giving in.  Difficult to stay in this fast.  So I have had some social events to attend this past week and it was very nice to see some make accommodation for me and actually bought me some "green"juice!!  Thank you to those who did that and one of them was my Navy Boss!!!  Well.  Some days are better than others.  I have four children as you may recall so tonight I have excused myself from the table.  Why?  It is too difficult now for me to be around food.  I hate this disease. I love food. I have but only one way out of this.  That way out is in fact weight loss.  I need your prayers.  I do feel much more connected in my prayer life and spiritual disciplines since I have eliminate all solid food.  I can't believe it is FEB 23!!  Almost one month down.  My weight is still 271 and my body feels great and my clothes are all loose.  Because of the seriousness of my disease and it being a progressive disease I must be even more aggressive for my family.  I will keep you posted.  I want to say the drinks my wife makes me are awesome and she is even more awesome in supporting me.  Beth thank you my love in your support for me to complete this journey.  I love you.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Breakfast and Lunch in a Bowl

This is my breakfast and lunch in a bowl, ready to juice for the day. Looks like a beautiful garden. I doubt I would want to eat this all at once, but it's pretty easy to drink it.  All those micronutrients ready to be absorbed in my body quickly. It's amazing how much energy you get from juicing. No need for Red Bull. Fruitier for the morning, green at lunch. In the bowl, I've got spinach, broccoli, bok choy, celery, and cucumber, sweet potato, carrots, cantaloupe, oranges, apples, strawberries. All this makes 2 big juices. I make them in the morning and take them to work with me.

Monday, February 18, 2013

Pure Bliss

Breakfast can't taste much better than this! It's a great way to start off the morning. I prefer having a fruity juice in the morning because it feels more like breakfast to me. I save the green juices for the afternoon. I can't believe how much more energy I have by juicing.

My Breakfast Bliss: (serves 1)

2 carrots
1/2 beet
1 apple
1 orange
1/2 grapefruit
handful of parsley
handful of pineapple
handful of blackberries

Wash all fruits, juice and enjoy!