Thursday, February 14, 2013

Day 14

Well Happy Valentines Day!  Still in the fight for my life and have some news for all of you on this with me.  My LABS:

A1C:  11.6 This needs to go down to 6.0
Fasting BGL: 121 This is good because my last labs were over 300
Cholesterol: 147  This is good any time it is below 200
LDL (BAD): 39  This is a good number and it should be below 100
HDL (Good): 33  This needs to go up to 40-50
TRIG: 375 This needs to go down to 150 or below
Weight: 271
Waist: 43"
Neck: 20"
7 Day Avg on my testing is 188.  That means an A1C of 7.4 we are shooting for 6.0

So still the fight continues 10 days ago my A1C was 11.5 as you remember.  That means an an average of 332 BGL (Blood Glucose Levels) very poor.  The purpose of giving my blood every 10 days is to keep the doctors informed.  Remember my goal is to reverse the disease so the numbers now are important but not as important as completing this fast for 60 days.  I am feeling better than at any point in my life.  I ran this AM with my son and in the gym 5 days a week.  The farther I get away from FEB 1st the better I feel and the numbers will fall into normal ranges.  So no dark clouds over my head only sunny skies and a new healthier me!!!  Lots of good news and green above.  Please continue to pray for me as I am on the way to showing the world you can reverse Diabetes.  Currently I am testing 15X a day to get a good base reading.

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