Saturday, February 23, 2013

Day 23

Yes Yes and Yes, not giving in.  Difficult to stay in this fast.  So I have had some social events to attend this past week and it was very nice to see some make accommodation for me and actually bought me some "green"juice!!  Thank you to those who did that and one of them was my Navy Boss!!!  Well.  Some days are better than others.  I have four children as you may recall so tonight I have excused myself from the table.  Why?  It is too difficult now for me to be around food.  I hate this disease. I love food. I have but only one way out of this.  That way out is in fact weight loss.  I need your prayers.  I do feel much more connected in my prayer life and spiritual disciplines since I have eliminate all solid food.  I can't believe it is FEB 23!!  Almost one month down.  My weight is still 271 and my body feels great and my clothes are all loose.  Because of the seriousness of my disease and it being a progressive disease I must be even more aggressive for my family.  I will keep you posted.  I want to say the drinks my wife makes me are awesome and she is even more awesome in supporting me.  Beth thank you my love in your support for me to complete this journey.  I love you.

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