Monday, February 4, 2013

Day 3-4

Well, still in the land of the living.  Watched the Super Bowl with my friends and my family and our kitchen was filled with all the food you could imagine that would make any waistband expand.  Just the smells alone were wonderful.  I had a few food items to be social.  I wanted to eat all afternoon.  Instead, I made some healthy alternatives in my Vitamix and shared it with everyone.  Just checked my sugars at 1151 AM and they are 150!!!  Wow.  Oh happy day...Today it is game on with the lights on!!  96 hrs into my journey.  I have never been this far from the shire or should I say the "American way of life" before.  I will get my labs tomorrow and post them.  I did work out this AM with my assistant in the Navy and will work out tomorrow as well.  I am in the zone.  After watching the Super Bowl all I want to be now is a "farmer with my dodge."  Just eating out of my garden...  : )

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