Saturday, February 9, 2013

Day 9

Well...96 hrs since my last post.  Some wonder am I still going on this??  YES I AM!!! THIS IS THE MOST DIFFICULT THING I HAVE EVER DONE IN MY LIFE!!!  I have this oral fix to eat food.  So I have been a vegetarian only once a day.  I have had very small amounts of meat but 98% of my diet is only juice.  I did have three bowls of split pea soup and three raw salads.  I am juicing all day tomorrow and blood work Monday 11 FEB.  This is becoming a spiritual journey for me.  I have lost 1" on my waist and my weight is 272.  So good on me for trying.  The first time I ever walked into a McDonalds with my son this weekend and walked out eating nothing.......I watched him eat a cheese burger and fries and drove home to juice.  I felt good about that.  As a matter of fact I saw people eating McDonalds all around me this last friday and all I want to do is cheat on myself and eat with them.  I have never noticed before all the people eating around me so unhealthy before, I am not ever going back.  I am going downstairs to eat some fruit.  My Goal is to juice the next 10 days no solid food.  Please pray for me.  Talk with you all soon.

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