Friday, March 15, 2013

Day 43

Well I am still here.  Day 43.  By the way I passed my physical fitness test.  Never failed.  Never will.  This last week I was in training and had some salads but other than that just juice.  The thought crossed my mind to go to 90 days instead of 60.  I am not sure.  I will be on travel next week so pray for me.  I will be looking for a juice bar so I can maintain the integrity of the new way I am living.  I want to show the world you can reverse diabetes.  Now If I can just get and good Endo Dr on my team it will be good.  Still looking.  My Primary Care Dr is very helpful.  I still do not feel cared for from Balboa.   I am still looking good.  Still feeling good.  Oh I did have one hamburger this week and it was good but I crave my vegetables and juice more believe it or not as my taste has changed.  I can see now that I can complete this 60 day reboot and thinking now of how this will forever be a part of my life.  See you all soon.  Wes

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